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November 30, 2016

Student Perception on the implementation of tougher graduate admission standards in the M.Ed. Adult and Higher Education Program at University of Central Oklahoma compared to the researched benefits of increased standards.


The purpose of this study is to understand the student perception on the implementation of tougher graduate admission standards in the M.Ed. Adult and Higher Education Program at University of Central Oklahoma compared to the researched benefits of increased standards. This study is important to find the best admission standards for both institutions and students. Anyone within adult and higher education should be interested in this topic due to its immediate effect on recruitment, retention, resilience, admissions, and student perception.

Keywords:  Adult and Higher Education, Student Personnel, Admissions, Recruitment, Retention, Resilience, and Perception

HLC Reflection

After working on UCO's five year assurance as part of an independent study, I felt a short reflection was needed.

Professional to Professional: Individual Experiences with Student Development Theory

This paper discusses the importance of professionals discussing student development theory with graduate students and the benefits that can be reaped. There are three interviews with professionals from the student affairs field in this paper. There is also a reflection done by the author on surprises found in the interview, the questions used, what previous knowledge was reinforced or challenged, and the conclusion.
Keywords: Student Development Theory, Theory to Practice, Baxter Magolda

Union Training Program Evaluation at Universal Air Force Base

This evaluation was created to measure the effectiveness of a “Union Rights” training session at the Universal Air Force Base (UAFB) fire department. This evaluation will show employee reactions to training sessions, acquired knowledge, application of knowledge, and how this training impacts both the union and UAFB. All data collected from this evaluation may be used as verification or a call to change on the “Union Rights” training sessions.

Keywords: Evaluation, Training, Firefighting, Union, International and Kirkpatrick

Student Development Theory: Professional, Personal, and Impactful

In this paper we view theory in practice by identifying five theoretical concepts applicable as a residence hall director. Then view five theories within my personal development that have had the largest influence on my personal development or created a change within my thinking. I closed this paper with a promise of commitment to ensure that we are being the best individual and student affairs professional that we can.

Keywords:  student development theory, theory to practice, theory, personal development

Higher Education in 2027

A small look into the future of higher education in 2027.

Mental Illness in Higher Education

Many adults face the onset of psychiatric and mental illnesses between ages 16-24.  In our culture that is often the time for becoming financially independent, living on your own, or receiving higher education.  However mental illness creates a significant barrier to all of those cultural expectations. Those with mental illness are the significantly more likely to withdrawal without completing a degree. 86% of students diagnosed with a mental illness withdrawal compared to the general population where only 45% of students withdrawal without completing a degree (Schindler and Kientz, 2013). This 86% withdrawal rate can deeply affect a universities enrollment and retention. 

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